Saturday, September 24, 2011

What is ...the Law of Attraction

Whether it is called Cause and Effect, the Law of Attraction, the Power of Positive Thinking or simply Sowing and Reaping, they all follow universal principles that have existed since the beginning of man on this earth.

All success, happiness and achievement comes from organizing your life in conformance with these Cause and Effect principles.

When you do, you will achieve satisfaction and enjoyment at levels seldom experienced by the average person and of course, people will start to refer to you as lucky.

If we assume that the Law of Attraction or 
the Laws of Cause and Effect, suggests that we should be aware, but never ever dwell on the negative, as the principle of life and metaphysics that is embodied in the law of attraction, that is that you get what you think about; 
your thoughts determine your destiny.

To utilize the Law of Attraction you need to understand the principle of Cause and Effect, the following is a short 3-step process:

Ask: Ask what you want in an object/scenario context
Believe: Maintain Focus; the universe will answer
Receive: Do not hesitate when the goal is manifested; seize it without hesitation.

Sounds simple enough doesn’t it?

Law of Attraction – The Secret

Understanding the Law of Attraction – The Secret

We all work with one infinite power

Everything in the universe is made of energy…even us

We are like magnets…. 
And energy attracts… like energy

Whatever is going on in your mind… 
is what you are attracting into your life… right now!

You become and attract ….what you think about most

The post powerful and potent form of energy known in the universe is…thought!

Every thought has a frequency…
thoughts send out magnetic energy that attracts like for energy

Here lies the challenge… thoughts become things!

Most people think about they don’t want…
so by default they attract more of the same..!

So if your thoughts are attached to strong emotions ( good or bad ) that speeds up the creation process

Remember you attracts your thoughts….
so choose your thoughts carefully!

Have you ever noticed… 
that  those who speaks most of illness have it…. 
And those that  speaks most of prosperity have  it

Thoughts caused feelings …. 
So whatever you are  fesling now 
is a perfect reflection of what’s in the process of becoming!

And you get exactly what you are feeling 
so happy feelings will attract more happy circumstances

You can begin to feel whatever you want right now …. 
And the universe will correspond to the nature of your song

And what ever you focus on with your thoughts and feelings… 
is what you will attract into your life..

you can create your own universe as you go along…
so it’s important to feel good

Life is amazing… 
when you consciously apply…the law of attraction

The universe likes speed…
So don’t delay…
Don’t second guess… 
Don’t doubt

When the opportunity, impulse or intuition is there
 … ACT !!

And the universe will re arrange itself accordingly
Just For You !!

Being greatful…..
will create more things in your life to be greatful for

Visualise ! Rehearse  your future…

Visualise what you want ..
feel the feelings of having it already.

Focus on only to have the end goal and… 
leave the rest to the universe

Scientist have now proved that a positive thought 
is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thoughts

Everytime you have a negative thought… 
immediately think of a happy memory or 
someone you love….

For no one else can think or feel for you… 
it’s all you…only YOU !!

Are your constant thoughts worthy of you.?

Don’t waste energy on negative thoughts … 
only focus on what you want

And take your attention away from thinking what you don’t want

Only think about what brings you joy 
as ths will raise your vibration straight away

Then commit to staying in a high vibration & 
set a goal so big it will blow your mind if you achieve it

Visualise of having it everyday for 5 mins…
for you are the only one who creates your reality … you really are !!

Thoughts become things..
So always think good things!

Take action right now to enjoy your life…

Set yourself free…

You’re amazing….

You really are..!!


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Njoki's Pearls: Friendship

Article  shared from  the writtings  of..

Njoki's Pearls:
I found this poem in one of my elder sister's files and absolutely fell in love with it. (Oh and my sister's a very talented writer. So be ..sure to check out her blog at: )

Anyway, here's the poem. I hope you'll like it as much as I do.
It was written by one George Sand in 1862.....

Many people will walk in and out of your life
But only true friends will leave footprints in your heart
To handle yourself, use your head
To handle others, use your heart
Anger is only one letter short of Danger
If someone betrays you once, it is his fault
If someone betrays you twice, it is your fault
Great minds discuss ideas
Average minds discuss events
Small minds discuss people
He who loses money loses much
He who loses a friend loses much more
He who loses faith loses all
Beautiful young people are accidents of nature
But beautiful old people are works of art
Learn from the mistakes of others
You can't live long enough to make them all
Yourself, friends you and me
Like a circle of friends
Friendship has no beginning or end
Yesterday is history: tomorrow is mystery
Today is a gift
That's why it's called the present.

There is only one happiness in life.....
To love and
be loved by others....


Thursday, September 15, 2011

To know YOU is to watch this...

And you'll find out what Do you really know about yourself  or  want...

What have you been doing all this time ?


We are... What we create..

Watch and ponder... Is this You ?

Napoleon Hill - quote on TRUE Riches

A definition of the REAL Riches that most people don't know.

Riches is not consists of only material things Money can buy.

Summerised in 12 principles in order state in Napoleon Hill's  seminar in Circa 1937.

1.  Positive Mental Attitude

2.  Sound Physical Health

3.  Harmony in Human Relations

4.  Freedom From Fear

5.  The Hope of Future Achievement

6.  The Capacity for Applied Faith

7.  Willingness to Share Ones Blessings with Others

8.  To Engage in A Labor of Love

9.  An Open Mind To All Subjects Towards All People

10. Complete Self Discipline

11. Wisdom with Which to Understand People

12. Financial Security

Money comes at the end of the list of the 12 principles.


Law of Attraction

"Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny."

Focus the Ends, forget the Means, the more focused we are towards the Ends (what we want) the faster Means (how to get what we want) will follow.

We must take inspired actions, an action towards achieving, what we want, not only in thoughts but in reality too. Visualization, Is a very vital and powerful activity, to tell you the fact, Medical Research has proven that our subconscious brain cannot distinguish between, an event taking place in thoughts(Visualization) or an event taking place in reality. The subconscious brain fires the same muscles, in both the case. Now, this is the clue, which we can leverage up on, and enjoy the things even in thoughts, way before it manifests in reality.

“If you do not attract what you want to be, you will be what you are, FOREVER”             – Ankur Sancheti

“When you ask for happiness, do you think God sends someone named happiness”. All it means is, look around, wants do manifest, just that we need to keep faith up and be observant. The Secret Law of attractionis so beautiful and incredible law.

We must understand that, we are like a magnet, even when we think of the things that we do not wish or do not want, still we are provided with them, why? Because for Law of attraction does not distinguish between what is good for you or what is not. Bottom line is, “You attracted it, so, You are given”, “Your wish is my command”. We need to always check on our thoughts and attractions, what we attract should be in sync with what we want.

Law of attraction says “Attract it, its delivered”.

Power law of attraction explains, how to attract for instant manifestation, of what you badly want. All you need to do is to be crystal clear, of what you badly want, at the most possible granular level. we teach you to give attention to details while visualizing what you want, we call it .... Power visualization techniques.


Monday, September 12, 2011

Everything Happens For A Reason

Sometimes people comes into your life  and 
you know right away that they were meant to be there

They serve some sort of purpose, 
Teach you a lessons or 
help figure out who you are .. or 
what you want to become...

You never know who these people may be
Your room-mate, your neighbour, professors, long lost friends
or even a complete stranger
who,  when you lock eyes with them
you know that very moment
that they will affect your life in some profound way.

And sometime things happens to you 
and at the time seem horrible, painful and unfair to you
But ... in reflection
You realised that without overcoming the obstacles
you would never have realized your potential
strength, willpower at heart.

Everything happens for a reason
Nothing happens  by chance or by means of good or bad luck

Illness, injury, love, lost moments 
or true greatness and sheer stupidity
all occurs to tests the limit of the soul.

Without these small tests
if there be events
illnesses or relationships
life would be like a smooth paved,
straight, flat road to nowhere.
Safe and uncomfortable but dull
and utterly pointless.

The people you meet
who affect your life snd successes
and downfalls you experience
they are the ones who create who you are.
Even the bad experience can
be learned from....
Those lessons are the hardest
and  probably the most important ones...

If someone hurts you,  betrays you
or breaks your heart...
forgive them
for they have help you learn about trust
and the importance of being cautious
to whom you open your heart.

If someone loves you
Love them back unconditionally
Not only because they love you
but because they are teaching you to love 
and opening your heart and eyes...
to things you would have never seen 
or felt ...without them.

Make every day count
Appreciate every moment
and take from it
everything you possibly can
for you may never be able 
to experience it again.

Talk to people you have never talk before
and actually listen
let yourself fall in love
break free
and set your sights high

You can make of
your life anything you wish
Create your own life
and then go out and live it.

I wish you all the best
in your endeavors
as well as struggles in life.

Have a fighting spirit
and never hesitate
to get back in the struggle!

-  Author  ..Laura Burns (July 2004)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Oprah Winfrey Show’s Love Letter Lessons

( I would like to share the last lesson on Oprah show  written by Paula...    )

by paula on May 26, 2011

Called a love letter to her fans…Oprah leaves us with highlighting these wonderful lessons. All of these are from the final Oprah Winfrey Show…and I’ve taken these notes…her direct words…to have a reference and to be reminded of what I can be…and of the teacher who gave me the lessons.  Thank you Oprah.
Oprah Lessons  
  • You are not alone. 
Finding your Calling…your Passion… 
  • We all are called. Everybody has a calling and your real job in life is to figure out what that is and get about the business of doing it.
  • We saw the joy and the juice for (these people) doing what they are meant to be doing…Because that is what a calling is. It lights you up and it lets you know that you are exactly where you are suppose to be and doing exactly what you are suppose to be doing. and that is what i want for all of you.
  • Live from the heart of yourself.
  • What sparks the light in you so that you in your own way can illuminate the world? 
Finding your own platform…your own voice… 
  • Each one of you has your own platform. Do not let the trappings here fool you. Mine is a stage and a studio. Yours is where ever you are with your own reach…however small, however large that reach is…maybe it’s 20 people, 30 people, 40 people, your family, your friends, your neighbors, your classmates, your classroom, your co-workers…where ever you are, that is your platform, your stage, your circle of influence…that is your talk show and that is where your power lies.
  • In every way and every day, you are showing people exactly who you are. You are letting your life speak for you…and when you do that, you will receive in direct proportion to how you give…
  • You can help somebody, you can listen, you can forgive, you can heal – you have the power to change somebody’s life. The power is the same. Everybody has a calling. Mine aligned with my profession, my job, but not everybody gets paid for it…but everybody is called. It may be your skill at listening…your talent for nurturing and mothering…Do not get it confused. Your calling – does not have to be something that makes you famous…
  • You carry whatever your suppose to be doing and don’t waste any more time. Start embracing the light that is calling you and use your life to serve the world. 
Common Connections, Energy and Intention 
  • When you know better you do better. Nobody but you is responsible for your life. It doesn’t matter what your mama did or what your daddy didn’t do. YOU are responsible for your life.
  • YOU are responsible for the energy that you create for yourself and that you bring to others.
  • Please take responsibility for the energy that you bring into this space.” Dr. Jill Taylor
  • All life is energy and we are transmitting it at every moment…and the world is responding in kind.
  • Newtons 3rd Law of Motion – For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. That is the abiding law that I live by, articulated to perfection by Ms. Celie in The Color Purple… “Everything you done to me, already done to you” (from The Color Purple by Alice Walker) This is the golden rule to the 10th power…All the energy that you spend trying to hurt somebody else will turn around and slap you in the face. The same thing is true of love. What I know is is that the energy that I put out everyday with the best of intentions…has come back to me from all of you in full force.
  • You are responsible for your life and when you get that everything changes. Don’t wait for anyone else to fix you, to save you or complete you. No one completes you. When you get that you are responsible for your life, you get free.
The Power of Worthiness and Validation 
  • There is a common thread that runs through all of our pain and suffering – unworthiness. Not feeling worthy enough to own the life that you were created for.
  • There is a difference between thinking you deserve to be happy and knowing you are worthy of being happy. …We often block our own blessings because we don’t feel inherently good enough, or smart enough or pretty enough or worthy enough. What this show has taught me…is that your worthy because you are born and because you are here.
  • Your being here your being alive makes worthiness your birthright. You alone are enough.
  • People all want validation. Every single person that you ever will meet shares that common desire. They want to know – Do you see me? Do you hear me? and Does what I say mean anything to you?
  • Understanding that one principle that everyone wants to be heard has allowed me to hold the microphone for you all all these years with the least amount of judgment…it has helped me to stand and to try to do that with an open mind and an open heart. It has worked for this platform and I guarantee you, it will work for yours. Try it with the people in your life. Validate them… I see you, I hear you and what you say matters to me. 
God Whispers…Are you listening? 
  • I know that I’ve never been alone and that you haven’t either. and I know that that presence, that flow – some people call it grace – is working in my life in every single turn and yours too if you let it in. It’s closer than your breath and it is yours for the asking…
  • I have felt the presence of God my whole life…even when I didn’t have a name for it I could feel the voice bigger than myself speaking to me and all of us have that same voice.
  • Be still…and know it. You can acknowledge it or not. You can work with it or not. You can ignore it or you can know it. Know it. It’s always there, speaking to you and waiting for you to hear it. In every move and every decision, I wait and listen for the guidance that’s greater than my meager mind…the only time I’ve ever made mistakes is when I didn’t listen.
  • So what I know is…God is love. And God is life. And your life is always speaking to you. First in whispers. And a whisper in your life feels like, “mmm, That’s odd…that doesn’t make no sense…or mmm…is that right? It’s subtle those whispers and if you don’t pay attention to the whispers, it gets louder and louder and louder. It’s like getting thumped up side the head. If you don’t pay attention to that, it’s like getting a brick up the side of the head. If you don’t pay attention to that, the whole brick wall falls down.
  • What are the whispers in your life right now? What’s whispering and will you hear it? Your life is speaking to you…what is it saying?  
Validation…make someone feel that they matter.  
  • You all have been a safe harbor for me for 25 years… and what I hope is that you all will be that safe harbor for someone else…there safe place to fall. Do for them what you have always told me that I have done for you – connect, embrace, liberate, love somebody – just one person. And then, spread that to two…then to ask many as you can… you will see the difference it makes.
  • Make some feel that they matter. 
Keeping in touch 
  • – my personal email…when you get something, it will be from me directly…I want you to know that what you have to say matters to me….I understand the manifestation of grace and God. I know that there are no coincidences…there are none. Only divine order here…but I am truly amazed that I, who started out in rural Mississippi in 1954 when the visions for a black girl was limited to a maid or a teacher in a segregated school end up here is no coincidence that a lonely little girl who felt not a lot of love even tho my parents and grandparents did the best they could…it is no coincidence that I grew up to feel the genuine kindness, affection, trust and validation from millions of you all over the world. From you, who’s names I will never know, I learned what love is. You and this show have been the great love of my life.
From the final Oprah Winfrey Show, I took these notes to remind myself of the person that I want to be…my best self in my best life.  If you are reading them, I hope that they carry the same power and do the same for you and your life. 


The Oprah Winfrey Show Finale- Last Episode, Last Class & Her Love Letter to Us All

by patricia on June 1, 2011

For those who may have missed it or if you are simply having a hard time saying goodbye…relive the last episode once again with us! For notes on the class so you can just enjoy without having to pause, check out our “The Oprah Winfrey Show’s Love Letter Lessons

The Oprah Winfrey Show Finale- Last Episode, Last Class & Her Love Letter to Us All
