Thursday, August 13, 2009

Healthy Eating When You're Sick

Nutrition tips to fight fatigue and boost strength.

By R. Morgan GriffinWebMD Feature
Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD

Healthy eating when you're sick is a challenge -- Diseases and their treatment can sap your appetite or leave you nauseated.

It's natural to let good nutrition slide when coping with an illness. But it's also dangerous. Everyone needs to get enough vitamins and nutrients. And that's truer than ever when you're sick.
By learning what to look for, and making smart choices, you can get the nutrition you need without a lot of extra effort.

Healthy Eating When You're Sick: Protein
When you're sick, dietitians agree that protein is key. "Protein is crucial for building and repairing cells," says Paula Charuhas, RD, nutrition education coordinator at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. Protein can help you prevent the loss of muscle mass. It also helps maintain fluid balance and improves your body's ability to heal.
Some of the best sources of protein are obvious, Chicken, lean beef, fish, and lamb are all good. Eggs and cheese are also easily digestible forms of animal protein.

What if you're a vegetarian?
Good non-animal sources of protein are beans, soy products like tofu, and nuts. Adding more peanut butter or almond butter to your diet is one easy way of getting more protein.

Healthy Eating When You're Sick: Getting Enough Calories
When you're sick, you may need more calories than normal because your body is working harder. But just when you need to eat more, your appetite is gone. Unintentional weight loss can become serious. It can leave you exhausted, weak, and interfere with your treatment.

Healthy Eating When You're Sick: Fiber
Fiber is good for you both in the short and the long term. It helps keep you regular and prevents constipation. In the long run, it may lower the risk of intestinal problems, diabetes, and other diseases.

Healthy Eating When You're Sick: Supplements
Vitamins and minerals are important for health; calcium, potassium, and vitamins A, C, D and E are just a few of them.

Healthy Eating Goes Hand-in-Hand With Treatment
Your ability to eat healthy depends on how you feel when you're sick. If your symptoms -- such as pain or nausea -- are overwhelming, you won't be able to eat well no matter how much you want to.
"In order to improve your appetite, you need to control your symptoms and side effects.

What’s in a Name?

When you’re scanning a food label, don’t just look for the word “salt.”
Watch out for various forms of sodium or other names for the same thing:

sodium alginate
sodium ascorbate
sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
sodium benzoate
sodium caseinate
sodium chloride
sodium citrate
sodium hydroxide
sodium saccharin
sodium stearoyl lactylate
sodium sulfite
disodium phosphate
monosodium glutamate (MSG)
trisodium phosphate


7 Pains You Shouldn't Ignore

No. 1: Worst Headache of Your Life

No. 2: Pain or Discomfort in the Chest, Throat, Jaw, Shoulder, Arm, or Abdomen

Chest pain could be pneumoniaor a heart attack. But be aware that heart conditions typically appear as discomfort, not pain. "Don't wait for pain," says cardiologist Jerome Cohen, MD. "Heart patients talk about pressure. They'll clench their fist and put it over their chest or say it's like an elephant sitting on their chest."
The discomfort associated with heart diseasecould also be in the upper chest, throat, jaw, left shoulder or arm, or abdomen and might be accompanied by nausea. "I'm not too much worried about the 18-year-old, but if a person has unexplained, persistent discomfort and knows they're high risk, they shouldn't wait," says Cohen. "Too often people delay because they misinterpret it as [ heartburn] or GI distress. get to an emergency room or physician's office. If it turns out to be something else, that's great."

No. 3: Pain in Lower Back or Between Shoulder Blades

Most often it's arthritis," says Brangman, chief of geriatrics at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse. Other possibilities include a heart attack or abdominal problems. These would include high blood pressure, a history of circulation problems, smoking, and diabetes."

No. 4: Severe Abdominal Pain

Gallbladder and pancreas problems, stomach ulcers, and intestinal blockages are some other possible causes of abdominal pain that need attention. Also possibility of a rupture.

No 5: Calf Pain

One of the lesser known dangers is deep vein thrombosis (DVT), a blood clot that can occur in the leg's deep veins. "The danger is that a piece of the clot could break loose and cause pulmonary embolism[a clot in the lungs], which could be fatal," says Fryhofer. Cancer, obesity, immobility due to prolonged bed rest or long-distance travel, pregnancy, and advanced age are among the risk factors.

No. 6: Burning Feet or Legs

"It's a burning or pins-and-needles sensation in the feet or legs that can indicate nerve damage."

No 7: Vague, Combined, or Medically Unexplained Pains

"Various painful, physical symptoms are common in depression," says psychiatrist Thomas Wise, MD. "Patients will have vague complaints of headaches, abdominal pain, or limb pain, sometimes in combination."

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Learning wisdom...

Learn from the past,
Live in the present and ...
Work for the future.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Metabolism is the process of breaking down proteins, carbohydrates, and fats to yield the energy your body needs to maintain itself.
The rate of your metabolism depends on the interaction between the number of calories you consume, the number of calories you burn while eating and exercising, and the calories you burn based on your individual genetic makeup.

How to increase metabolism

To increase metabolism, always eat breakfast in the morning. Break-fast...break the fast. Don't skip breakfast. If you wait until mid morning or afternoon to eat, your metabolism will run slower. Think of breakfast as adding logs to the fireplace. Your metabolism is the fireplace and logs are the breakfast.

Increase metabolism by eating smaller meals through the day. Eat 4 to 6 six small meals, 2 to 3 hours apart.

Don't depend on herbal products to increase metabolism or energy level. Any metabolic increase will be minimum and herbs are not cheap. Instead, include more energy foods such as whole grains, beans, vegetables and fruits.

Park further away and walk. Use the stairs instead of the elevator when possible. Walk to the post office instead of getting into the car. Take your dog on a daily walk. Do more activities around the house to burn energy instead of wasting money on pills and potions that don't work.

Incorporate a walking routine to increase metabolism at least three to four times a week. Walk 30 to 40 minutes each time. This is the best way to increase your metabolism.

Don't starve yourself when trying to lose weight. This will slow down your metabolism in a hurry. Avoid 5 to 6 hour gaps between meals without eating.

Be committed to eating smaller meals at regular intervals. Prepare food in advance and bring it with you. Never eat sporadically and plan each meal. The common mistake is to skip meals and eat too little during the day. This makes you vulnerable for eating junk food later in the day. Eating to lose weight takes planning.

How Age Changes Your Metabolism

It’s true; your metabolism does slow down with age, but keep reading -- the news isn’t all bad.

Starting at about age 25, the average person’s metabolism declines between 5% and 10% per decade.

The good news?

By eating more often, your metabolism will increase to match the calorie demand.

Foods you can eat through the day to increase metabolism are:

7 am ... Breakfast (bowl of whole grain cereal with fruit and coffee)
10 am .... turkey burger (no bread) with steam vegetables
12 pm ... sandwich with salad.
2 pm ... protein shake or energy bar
4 pm .... sliced cantaloupe or mix berries or low fat yogurt
6 pm ... sliced turkey or ham with grated lite cheese. 4 to 5 slices of deli turkey or ham
7 pm ... Dinner (lean meat with 2 veggies)

Friday, January 30, 2009

Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w

Fitnah seseorang didalam keluarganya , dalam hartanya dan tetangga dapat dihapuskan oleh solat, berpuasa dan bersedekah - Riwayat Bukhari.

Setiap orang adalah pengembala bagi harta milik ayahnya dan dia bertanggung jawab penuh atas gembalanya (hartabenda ayahnya) - Riwayat Tarmizi

Rasullullah s.a.w. bersabda :
Orang yang meninggal dunia itu diseksa didalam kuburnya sesuai dengan apa yang diratapkan kepadanya - Riwayat Bukhari n Muslim

Sabda Nabi - Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku hanyalah manusia. Setiap orang muslim yang aku kutuk dan pukul, maka jadikan itu sebagai zakat & rahmat baginya - Bukhari & Muslim

Dari Anas bin Malik r.a. - Nabi bersabda :
Barangsiapa inginkan rezekinya dimudahkan & usianya dipanjangkan, hendaklah dia menyambung silaturrahim - Bukhari & Muslim

Allah menjanjikan kepada orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh, mereka akan beroleh keampunan dan pahala yang besar - surah Al-Maidah ; ayat 9

Sabda Nabi s.a.w - Penamilan yang terbaik, tenang & keserdahanaan adalah sebahgian daripada 24 tanda-tands kenabian - Riwayat At-Tirmizi

Dari Abu Said Al-Khudri r.a. - Sabda Nabi s.a.w :
Apabila kamu mendengar azan , ucapkan lah sebagaimana yang disebutkan oleh tukang azan - Riwayat Bukhari & Muslim

Sabda Nabi s.a.w - Sesungguhnya Allah akan bertanya kepada pemerintah-pemerintah tentang kepimpinan mereka - Riwayat Bukhari & Muslim

Di satu Jumaat , datang seorang lelaki ke masjid. Tanya Nabi : Adakah kau telah bersembahyang tahiyatul masjid . Orang itu jawab : Belum. Sabda Nabi : Bangun & sembahyang lah - Muslim

Dari Aisyah r.a. - Sabda Nabi s.a.w :
Sesungguhnya ramah-tamah dalam segala urusan menjadikan urusan itu indah ( berjaya ) & tanpanya tentu urusan jadi buruk - Riwayat Muslim.

Sabdi Nabi s.a.w - Setiap apa yang dibelanjakan oleh seeorang untuk rumahtangga nya, keluarganya, anaknya & khadamnya tentu dia mendapat pahala sedekah. - Riwayat Thabrani.

Nabi s.a.w bersabda - Seseorang tidak mengeluarkan sedekah sebelum melepaskan dirinya daripada gangguan 70 syaitan yang semuanya berusaha mencegah - Riwayat Ahmad.

Sabda Nabi : Siapa yang menolong dalam permusuhan dengan melakukan kezaliman, dia sentiasa berada dalam kemurkaan Allah sehinggalah dia meninggal dunia. - Ibnu Majah

Sabda Nabi s.a.w : Berusahalah mencari rezeki & keperluan hidup pada waktu pagi lagi, sesungguh nya waktu pagi itu memberi berkat & kejayaan - Riwayat Bukhari

Nabi s.a.w bersabda : Pergilah menziarahi orang yang sakit, berilah makan orang yang lapar dan lepaskan lah orang yang tertawan - Riwayat Bukhari.

Sabda Nabi : Ketika seorang berjalan di suatu jalanan, dia terjumpa sepotong duri lalu membuangnya, Allah berterima kasih kepada nya & mengampunkan dosa nya - Muslim

Sabda Nabi s.a.w : Siapa membaca surah Yassin dengan ikhlas kerana Allah , di ampunkan dosa-dosa yang lalu. Maka bacakanlah pada orang yang akan mati & yang telah mati - Riwayat Al Baihaqi

Sabda Nabi s.a.w : Bila sembahyang telah diqamatkan, janganlah kamu datang berlari-lari, datanglah perlahan-lahan yang dapat kamu kejar. Sembahyangkan & yang telah sempurnakanlah - Muslim

Rasullullah s.a.w bersabda : Dunia ini merupakan penjara bagi orang mukmin da syurga bagi orang -orang kafir - Riwayt Muslim

Thursday, January 15, 2009

5 Ways to Help You Minimize Cell Phone Radiation Emissions

Here are some sound solutions that can help minimize the EMR your phone emits:

Use your cell phone on speakerphone. While this is a great solution and I strongly recommend it, it's simply not practical much of the time. Especially if you are in a public place where rules of discretion and proper etiquette prevail. Another problem is that not all cell phones have speakerphones -- and even those that do may have poor sound quality. I do recommend that if you are choosing a new cell phone, make sure it comes with a speakerphone option.

Always keep your phone as far away from your body as possible. There's a dramatic drop-off in radiation exposure for every inch you keep your phone away from your body.

Get yourself a Blue Tube Headset with an airtube. In my opinion, this new design is the best headset on the market. Others may actually increase the amount of radiation emitted.

Limit your cell phone use to the bare minimum. Your cell phone is constantly searching for signals and emitting EMR while you're using it.

Turn off your cell phone when not needed OR keep it a few feet away from your body. Even when not in use, as long as your phone is turned on, it continually emits EMR as it connects to its base station.

The Brain -Organ of the mind

Fun ReadingFunky Facts

* The adult human brain weighs about 3 pounds (1,300 - 1,400 g).
* The adult human brain is about 2% of the total body weight, but consumes 20% of the blood's oxygen supply.
* The average human brain is about 140 mm (w) x 167 mm (l) x 93 mm (h).
* The total surface area of the cerebral cortex is about 2200 sq. cm (2.5 sq. ft.)
* The world record for time without sleep is 264 hours (11 days) bye Randy Gardner in 1965.
* Unconsciousness will occur after 8 - 10 seconds after loss of blood supply to the brain.
* Neurons multiply at a rate 250,000 neurons/minute during early pregnancy.
* The weight of an adult human cerebellum is 150 g.
* The total volume of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is produced everyday.
* Cerebrospinal fluid is normally clear and colorless.
* There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves.* There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves.
* There are about 13,500,00 neurons in the human spinal cord.

* The human spinal cord is 45 cm long in men and 43 cm long in women.
* Humans can hear in the range of 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz.
* The most sensitive range of human hearing is between 1,000 - 4,000 Hz.
* Pain occurs when sounds are above 130 db.

* Hearing damage can occur if people are exposed to sounds above 90db for an extended period of time.
* The total number of human taste buds (tongue, palate, cheeks) is about 10,000.
* The total number of human olfactory receptor cells is about 40 million.
* There are 1,000 to 10,000
synapses for a "typical" neuron.
* The cell bodies of neurons vary in diameter from 4 microns to 100 microns
* 85% of the brain is water.
* The brain has no pain receptors.
* Headaches are not actually in the brain, but occur in the vascular system around the brain or muscles of the skull.
* A baby's brain has its full complement of neurons by the sixth month of gestation. The brain grows at a rate of more than 13,000 neurons per seconds up to this time.
* It is estimated that there are between 100 - 200 billion neurons in the brain.
* The number of possible different combinations of synaptic connections among neurons in a single human brain is larger than the total number of atomic particles that make up the known universe.
* Cholesterol makes up 15% of the brain by dry weight.
* Peppermint makes you more alert.* In many elderly people, brain fails before lungs or kidneys do.
* 90% of people in nursing homes suffer from moderate to serious cognitive function.
* 1/2 of 85+ have Alzheimer's disease.
* Brain begins to shrink around the age of 30 due to neuronal loss.
* Men lose brain tissues more significantly than women (approximately 3 times faster)
* From ages between the age of 40 to 50, there is an approximately 2% decrease in overall brain weight.
* Limbic system's hippocampus and amygdala shrinks about 20 - 25% by 60 years of age.
* 25 - 30 % of 80 years
olds performed as well as young on cognitive tests.
* More than 6 million of 65+ will experience depression
* 50% of older Americans believe depression as part of aging.UK & European Statistics
* 156 people in ever 1000 suffer from a neurotic disorder
* Around 35,000 people die as a result
of a brain-related disease.
* Diseases of the nervous system and sense organs cost the National Health Service in the UK more than 800 million a year.
* At least 10 % of the population suffer from migranes and 60% have their first attack before the age of 20. They can also affect children as young as 5 years old.
* Myalgic encephalomyelitis is thought to affect about 2% of the UK population at any one time. As many as 24,000 children in the UK are thought o have ME symptoms.
* Stroke is a leading cause of death in the western world, and in the UK affects 1 in 500 people every year.

“ Brain Facts Introduction.” Mind Friendly Website. <> (July 2001)
Chudler, Eric H. “The Neuron, “Higher” Functions.” Explore the Brain and Spinal Cord. 1996. <> (July 2001)
Khalsa,Dharma Singh & Cameron Stauth, Brain Longevity. New York: Warner Books,1997.
Silverstein, Alvin & Virginia Silverstein, World of the Brain. New York: William Morrow and Co., 1986.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Food For Thought: 10 Foods To Increase Your Brain Function

Recent studies have shown that nutrients may have significantly positive effects on the brain. In fact, some foods can maximize your brain's potential and remove obstacles to optimal functioning and disease.

How the brain uses nutrients

The brain uses carbohydrates for energy and omega-3 fatty acids for forming its cell structure. B vitamins play an essential role in brain function. In combination with folic acid, vitamins B6 and vitamin B12 help manufacture and release chemicals in the brain known as neurotransmitters. The nervous system relies on neurotransmitters to communicate messages within the brain, such as those that regulate mood, hunger, and sleep.
In addition, foods rich in antioxidant nutrients, such as vitamin C and vitamin E and beta-carotene, help protect brain cells from free-radical damage caused by environmental pollution.

Protection against free radicals is important to protecting the brain well into the golden years.

1. Egg yolks for your brain function

A healthy benefit of egg yolks is that they contribute choline to the diet. Choline is a component of two fat-like molecules in the brain that are responsible for brain function and health. A choline deficiency may contribute to age-related mental decline and Alzheimer's disease.

2. Spinach protects the brain from age-related problems

Spinach helps protect the brain from oxidative stress while reducing the risk of suffering from an age-related decline in function. Researchers found that feeding aging rats spinach-rich diets significantly improved their learning capacity and motor skills. Including spinach in your diet may lessen brain damage from strokes and neurological disorders.

3. Yellowfin Tuna protects against Alzheimer's

A cold-water fish, yellowfin tuna is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. This is important if we remember that structurally, the brain is made up of 60% fat. Consuming foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids keeps cells' membranes flexible and maximizes their ability to allow important nutrients in. Yellowfin tuna is rich in the B vitamin niacin, which also protects the brain against Alzheimer's disease.

4. Cranberries for improvements in memory, balance and coordination

Animal studies suggest that cranberries protect brain cells from free-radical damage. Moreover, consumption of this tart fruit is associated with improvements in memory, balance and coordination.

5. Sweet potatoes provide nourishment for the brain

Sweet potatoes are especially brain-nourishing. They are rich in vitamin B6 (necessary for manufacturing a certain kind of neurotransmitters), as well as carbohydrates (the only fuel source the brain uses) and antioxidant nutrients (vitamin C and beta-carotene).

6. Strawberries reduce the risk of age-related brain decline

Strawberries help protect the brain while reducing the risk of developing age-related brain function decline. Just half a cup provides 70% of the Recommended Daily Value (RDV) for vitamin C. Research studies have shown that strawberry eaters may have a higher learning capacity and better motor skills than non-strawberry eaters.

7. Kidney beans to improve your cognitive function

One cup of cooked kidney beans contains almost 19% of the RDV for the B-vitamin thiamin. Thiamin is critical for cognitive function because it is needed to synthesize choline. Kidney beans are rich in inositol (part of the B-complex vitamin family). Inositol may improve symptoms of depression and mood disorders.

8. Raisin bran to prevent migraines and headaches

Raisin bran provides carbohydrates, iron, B vitamins, folic acid, calcium and magnesium. These are all important nutrients for brain fuel, as well as health and vitality. In addition, magnesium is a mineral that helps relax blood vessels, preventing the constriction and dilation characteristic of migraine and tension headaches. Increased intake of magnesium has been shown to reduce episodes of these types of headaches.

9. Lamb Loin aids concentration and mental performance

Lamb loin is eaten less in the United States than almost any other country in the world. This is unfortunate because it is rich in vitamin B12 and iron. Iron is important for brain health because a deficiency can impair concentration and mental performance.

10. Wheat germ is good for the brain

Wheat germ is a powerful brain food because it is rich in vitamin E and selenium (both very potent antioxidant nutrients), as well as choline and magnesium.
Another good source of choline is peanuts.
Other good sources are flaxseeds and olive oil.

Brain Food For Kids: Feed Your Children So They Excel At School

Provide kids with the nutrients they need to power through a long school day, alert and ready to hit the books and participate in extracurricular activities.

Breakfast is important..

research studies indicate that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The nourishment and energy from healthy food sources in your child's breakfast will rev-up her metabolism and spark her cognitive function enormously. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that skipping the first meal of the day can hinder academic performance and interfere with cognition and learning among school children.

Foods and nutrients that build brain function

Here are specific foods and nutrients that can ehance your child's diet and increase brain development and function:

1. Choline is good for the memory

This nutrient is found in eggs and nuts. It augments brain and memory development.

Simple Suggestions....
Start the day with some scrambled organic eggs with a few fresh vegetables mixed in, served over a slice of wholegrain toast.
Serve up a fun "wild west wrap," with scrambled eggs, salsa and Monterey jack cheese served in a high-fiber whole wheat wrap.

2. Antioxidants for memory improvement

An abundance of foods are packed with brain-boosting antioxidants like vitamin A, vitamin C & vitamin E.

Simple Suggestions....
Work in fresh fruit and vegetables at mealtimes and snacks. Nuts, beans and legumes are also rich in antioxidants. Pair a hummus or black bean dip with fresh cut vegetables for a fun "dip and dunk" snack kids will love.
If you've got a picky eater, get creative with a tasty homemade yogurt-fruit smoothie as an energizing afternoon snack or a quick, satiating breakfast on-the-go.
Add vegetables into kid-friendly dishes and get them involved in the cooking process. Try incorporating vegetables into pasta sauces and soups or top homemade pizza with veggies of your child's choosing.

3. Omega-3 fatty acids improve cognitive functions

An important player in bolstering cognitive function, omega-3 fatty acids are healthy fats found in a variety of foods including cold-water fatty fish (like salmon and tuna), avocado, flaxseed oil or ground flaxseed, nuts (like walnuts and almonds), and heart-healthy oils (like olive oil).

*Note: Watch your young child's consumption of tuna because of its high mercury content. Aim for one to two times per week, and choose chunk light tuna in water which contains lower amounts of mercury than albacore.

Simple suggestions...
Get creative in the kitchen with your kids and encourage them to taste new foods such as avocado or grilled salmon; you never know where their taste buds will take them! Slip two to three thin slices of avocado into sandwiches or whole wheat wraps for a brain-boosting lunch.
Flaxseed is high in fiber to aid digestion and is packed with healthy omega-3 fats. Sprinkle 1-2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed meal into cold or hot cereal at breakfast or mix it into a yogurt-fruit parfait at snack-time; the kids won't even notice.

4. Whole grains to improve your memory function

Complex, whole-grain carbohydrates contain folate and other B vitamins which help improve memory function and are rich in fiber, providing a steady stream of energy so your child can ace that math test.

Simple suggestions...
For a morning wake-up call of whole grains, try hearty steel-cut oatmeal for breakfast. Choose unsweetened flavors to skip excess sugar and calories. Top with fresh berries or banana slices and a touch of honey for a burst of natural sweetness.
Make the switch to 100% whole wheat bread and look for wholegrain cereals with 5 grams of fiber of more.

5. Iron for mental alertness

Iron-rich foods also improve mental alertness and energy levels. Lean sources of red meat, poultry, spinach, beans, dried fruits, and whole-grains are excellent choices.

Simple suggestions...
Top off an easy weeknight spaghetti dinner with a few meatballs using 93% lean ground round. Test out whole wheat pasta for a healthy switch to complex carbohydrates.
Keep kids energized throughout afternoon activities and pack a homemade trail mix such as dried cherries, golden raisins, raw pecans or almonds, and wholegrain cereal. Remember that a little trail mix goes a long way... 1/4 cup equals a single serving.

6. Calcium to strenghten bones

Last but certainly not least, calcium's great for growing youngsters to strengthen bones and help them remain active. Nearly 85% of young girls and 60% of boys ages nine to eighteen don't hit their daily calcium target of 1300mg. For four- to eight-year-olds, the requirement is 800mg.

Simple suggestions...
Make sure your fridge is stocked with healthy calcium picks such as low-fat milk or soy milk, yogurt and cheese as well as almonds, salmon, tofu, edamame and fortified cereals and OJ.

*Note: To limit your child's consumption of excess sugar and calories, limit juice intake to the recommended daily amount, which is 4 ounces.

Pressed for time?
Pack turkey and cheese ‘roll ups' for a quick and easy snack or as part of a
healthy lunch...the kids will love the fun shape. Use antibiotic-free turkey slices and regular or lite cheddar or Swiss cheese.

7. Water keeps your concentration levels up

Staying well-hydrated is extremely important and helps prevent fatigue and keep concentration levels going strong.

Simple suggestions...
Skip the sugary soda and reach for a bottle of water instead!
Bring a little ‘zing' to regular water with a slice or two of lemon, lime or orange.

Foods that drain the brain

Now that you've got your brain-boosting list down pat, steer clear of certain items that can quickly drain energy and kids' attention levels, often causing short spikes in activity and then crashing lows from excess sugar and artificial ingredients. Check labels and ingredient lists.

Bypass the following items on your next trip to the grocery store:

Foods with artificial sweeteners or coloring
High-fructose corn syrup
Sugary fruit drinks, colas and juices
Refined white sugars and breads
Trans fats and partially-hydrogenated oils
Processed snack foods and luncheon meats
Brain-boosting recipes (kid-tested and approved!)

Basic First Aid Information

To produce First Aides in the community , create awareness in safety first , the spirit of helping others and of healthy living. Understand the concept of First Aid and the needs of the body and is ever ready to give a helping hand in times of need and humanity.


It helps the community to gain access to First Aid knowledge and health care. Knowledgeable in the workings of the human body and are able to take better care of it. Know the causes of minor illness and ways to treat them. Create a caring society, willing to help fellowmen in times of needs.


Definition and Principles of First Aid
Responsibilities of a First Aide
Assessment of Conditions and Victims and the response.
Structure Of The Body
Blood Circulatory System
Respiratory system
Electrical injuries
Snake , Animal Bites & Insect Stings
Wounds & Bleeding
Broken Bones
Joints & Muscle Wounds
Dressing & Bandages
Burns And Scalding
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Moving The Victim

First Aid Tips



First Aid is the first assistance or treatment given for a sick or injured person (called casualty) before the arrival of an ambulance or qualified expert.



If unconscious keep the airway clear
Make sure the casualty is breathing
Stop any bleeding
Treat other injuries in the right order


Never move the casualty unless there is danger, to avoid further injury
Comfort and reassure the casualty
Give protection from the cold, exercise heat or wet conditions


Ask someone to call an ambulance or doctor as soon as possible.
Always stay with the victim until help arrives.


If too much blood is lost from the body through a wound or other injury, the casualty may die, always stop the bleeding promptly.


- If the wound is minor and dirty, lightly rinse it with running water, if available, until it is clean.
- Wash your hands before and after giving first aid and avoid getting blood on your hands or body especially if you have any open cuts or wounds.
-Wash Hands & Use Sterile Dressing
- Stop the flow of blood by pressing firmly on the wound, or hold the cut edges together. Put a bulky dressing firmly on the wound. If a suitable dressing cannot be found quickly, use a folded pad of material or tissues. Keep firm pressure on the wound for 10 minutes with the casualty lying down, if possible.
- If the wound is on a limb, raise the injured part to slow down bleeding. Comfort and reassure the casualty.
-Stop the flow of blood by applying direct pressure and elevating the limb .
- If the blood comes through the first dressing pad, check that it is in the right place. If still bleeds, apply further pad – do not remove original pad.
- Keep the wounded part raised for a while, until the bleeding has stopped. A doctor should check all severe wounds. Some will need stitches to help them to heal.
- A puncture wound, such as an injury from a rusty nail, or a bite from a cat or dog, may become infected later. The casualty should see the doctor as soon as possible, because an anti-tetanus injection may be needed.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

First Aid Kits - Basics and Fundamentals

Get a Container for Your First Aid Kit

Your first aid kit should be accessible and portable.

Medical Information for Your First Aid Kit

While not part of your first aid kit, anyone with a medical problem should have that medical information easily accessible at all times. There are several ways to organize medical information and make it available to rescuers.

For the rest of your first aid kit, you'll need:

acetaminophen - is a pain reliever and a fever reducer. and/or
alcohol wipes
antiseptic hand cleaner
medical adhesive tape
sterile gauze (four inch squares are best)
elastic bandages
several sizes of adhesive bandages
insect bite swabs
triple-antibiotic ointment
hydrogen peroxide
bandage scissors
triangular bandages
instant cold packs
exam gloves
barrier device for CPR

Fundamental First Aid: The ABC's

Safety First

Determine if the Victim is Awake
A is for Airway and B is for Breathing
C is for Circulation
While Waiting for the Ambulance

First Aid Resources

First Aid Course
First Aid Kits
When to Call 911

How to Do CPR

Adult CPRChild CPR (Age 1 - 8)
Infant CPR (Under 1 year)

Common Injuries

How to Treat Burns
How to Stop Bleeding
How to Treat Broken Bones

Explore First Aid

first aid supplies
first aid techniques
rescuer safety
Travel Safety
Emergency Preparedness
Allergy & Anaphylaxis
Burns and Fire Safety
Shortness of Breath
Vomiting & Diarrhea
Heart Attacks
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Outdoor Emergencies
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Most Basic First Aid Kit
Top 6 Items Every First Aid Kit Should Have

1. Cellular Telephone
2. CPR Microshield
3. Exam Gloves
4. Band-Aids
5. Hand Cleaners
6. Tweezers

Brain food

Nutrition--You are what you eat--

We are made up of what we eat. We live on what we eat.

Your Body is just like a Factory
Food is the fuel that keeps it running.

Your food contains:
Carbohydrates: They provide the power needed to run the factory.
Fats: They are storage bins, storing the energy derived from food.
Proteins: They are building blocks used to repair and expand the factory.
Vitamins: They are the workers, helping to release energy from fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
Minerals: They are the carpenters, they help build bones and teeth.

When the food is completely digested, whatever is not used to create energy or stored, is dumped as waste.

Enhancing Mental Performance

Some of us care more for sports than academics, while others care more about their report cards than varsity sweaters. In this section, we shall look into various ways food can affect our minds. However, one should not forget that body and mind are inextricably linked. What helps one often assists the other; what hurts one often hinders the other.

Brain Food

The food you eat affects your body, and that includes your brain. You need good nutrition for your brain to receive nourishment. Only then your brain will receive a regular healthy supply of blood and oxygen, and your brain powers will be in prime condition. We have some tips on what to eat and drink and what not to eat and drink in order to make your brain more powerful.

Pro Brain Food - Water , Fish
Anti-Brain Food - Shellfish, Meat, Processes sugar, Coffee and Tea, Soft Drinks, Alcohol,


Eat a meal abundant in complex carbohydrates
Chomp on plenty of complex carbohydrate snacks before the intellectual event
Have foods with low glycemic indexes
Take a high protein snack an hour or two before the mental event
Eat poultry if you would like to have meat dishes
Drink an adequate amount of water
Eat foods with lots of simple carbohydrates


Consume items high in fat or sugar
Eat foods high in glycemic indexes
Eat meats like beef and turkey
Eat processed sugar

Pro-Brain Food

The food you eat affects your body, and that includes your brain. You need good nutrition for your brain to receive nourishment. Only then will your brain receive a regular healthy supply of blood and oxygen, and your brain powers will be in prime condition. We have some tips on what to eat and drink and what not to eat and drink in order to make your brain more powerful.

Water - Water is a main component in the human body and makes up more than two-thirds of the body. It facilitates communication within the brain and the central nervous system because it is an efficient conductor of electrical and chemical energy. Drinking an adequate amount of water each day will keep you alert and is supposed to help you improve your memory. It is best to drink water at room temperature, in small doses, throughout the day.

Fish - Fish provides us with the ingredients which help in the development of human intelligence and genius. The flesh and oils from cold-water fish are good for the brain.
Avoid shellfish, however. Some cold-water fish include: salmon, tuna, mackerel, anchovy, lake trout, bluefish, and herring.

Anti-Brain Food

Shellfish - Shellfish may contain oceanic toxins and pollutants, and it is best to keep clear of them.

Meat - Meat can take quite some time to digest. Pork and beef take the longest time to digest, and turkey inherently contains a chemical which makes you feel sleepy. If you are to stay alert after a meal, with your concentration at peak level, it is best not to eat them. Take chicken instead.
Meat can also contain synthetic chemicals. Wild meat and game are free from synthetic chemicals, and can be very good.

Processed Sugar (White or Brown) - Processed sugar and products made from it are harmful for a person’s memory. The immune system is weakened, as the ability to resist and fight infection is greatly reduced. When you take processed sugar, insulin in the blood is churned up, the pancreas goes wild, and a sugar rush occurs. This results in "high highs" followed by a "crash" which leads to depression. Your ability to focus and your memory will suffer. Sugar in natural form is either labeled molasses or muscovado, and it can be found naturally in fruits.

Coffee and Tea - If you drink coffee to keep awake for an examination, you may have to think twice. Drinking several cups of coffee and tea a day will have a diuretic effect where essential minerals like potassium, magnesium and calcium are flushed out of one’s system. Caffeine, the stimulant that keeps you awake, is known to raise blood pressure, and can lead to high blood pressure, heart attack or stroke. Consistently high blood pressure can do great harm to the brain, heart and kidneys.

Soft Drinks - These drinks contain a lot of processed sugar, and a regular high intake can lead to hypoglycemia or Attention Deficit Disorder. The latter is an affliction that has struck numerous children who are inherently bright, but unable to maintain concentration in the classroom. Water and fresh fruit or vegetable drinks are desirable alternatives to soft drinks.

Alcohol - Alcohol, unless taken in moderation, ravages the brain cells and impedes the immune system. When the immune system is not allowed to function properly, a person’s ability to recall information can be adversely affected.

Brain or Brawn?
Your brain uses glucose as the primary source of energy. As blood begins to fall in the hours following your last meal or snack, your mind will begin to fatigue. Hunger sets in, and stimulates you to seek food. If you ignore this symptom and your recent meal also does not include a lot of protein, your body must rob its own protein stores to obtain amino acids, which means breaking down its own muscles. This is the last thing that an athlete needs --- destroy the muscle to feed the brain. Hence, if you want to retain both brain and brawn, remember to consume an adequate supply of complex carbohydrates to spare your muscle protein from becoming a "meal" for your mind.

Eating a meal abundant in complex carbohydrates enriches the brain with a vital supply of ready energy. Foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables and whole-grain products will put the brain in a better state to concentrate and work effectively. Simple carbohydrate snacks like candy and soda may provide quick energy surges, but the drop in blood sugar that follows could harm performance.

Glycemic index,
which refers to the release rate of glucose into the body system following ingestion of a carbohydrate food. The reference point is arbitrarily set for a glucose release rate of white bread at 100. Foods with glycemic indexes higher than 100 produce a faster surge and fall in blood sugar, which usually drags down performance. Foods with numbers lower than 100 produce a slower, steadier release of energy without resulting in the sudden peaks and valleys in blood sugar levels. They hold off hunger's weakness and distractibility longer and are certainly ideal before a long mental event.

a very important constituent --- protein.
Protein is found to be helpful in keeping your mind sharp and alert under pressure. Therefore, make sure you get a reasonable amount of protein in your meal before a challenging mental event. However, don't overdo the intake!
If for some reason you can't get enough protein in a meal, you can also take a high protein snack an hour or two before a mental event.