Saturday, May 26, 2012

A Secret Hidden From Mankind ..and Lost Cities..

Who do you think created this Universe ?

What happen all these years ?

How many incidences or changes the Earth have re-shape?


Mysteries of Mecca : Golden Ratio 1.618 (Full Version)

Wonders never ceased...


Mysterious number ... the Golden Mean Ratio... 1.618

Have you ever wonder... about numbers..?

Leonardo Fibonacci did...
and so do I... that's how this research comes about in my page...

Biography of Leonardo Fibonacci..


Born: c. 1170
Died: c. 1240
Birthplace: Pisa, Italy
Best known as: The guy who brought the Hindu-Arabic number system to Europe

Leonardo Fibonacci introduced to Europe and popularized the Hindu-Arabic number system (also called the decimal system). Fibonacci was also known as Leonardo of Pisa. He contributed greatly to number theory, and during his life published many important texts, including Liber abbaci (1202), Practica geometriae (1220) and Liber quadratorum (1225). He is also known for the Fibonacci Series, a numerical series found frequently in the natural world. In the sequence, each number is equal to the sum of the preceding two (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 ...).

Read more: Leonardo Fibonacci Biography (Mathematician) —




Tuesday, May 15, 2012

How To Grow Star Performers - Dr Nido Qubein

( Free Articles )

Most of us can divide the people in our organizations into three categories: Star performers, moderate performers and substandard performers.

Suppose you have 100 employees. In a typical work force, that would probably mean 15 star performers, 83 moderate performers and two substandard performers.

Now suppose you could convert five of your moderate performers into star performers. Would it make a significant difference in productivity?

You might be surprised. A study of computer programmers at Bell Laboratories showed that the star performers outperformed moderate performers by a margin of 8-1. If that holds true in your organization, the conversion of five of your moderate performers into star performers would be the equivalent of adding 35 moderate performers to your work force.

Where are you going to find the five additional star performers?

You don't find them; you develop them.

The difference between a moderate performer and a star performer seldom lies in their innate abilities.

You don't get through the door of Bell Laboratories unless you're smart. So why did 85% to 90% of the smart people who were studied turn in mediocre performances?

The difference was found to involve the employee's approach to the job.

At Bell Labs, as with an increasing number of cutting-edge corporations, engineers work in teams. Nobody has all the background, knowledge, and insight necessary to carry out a complex project.

In such a setting, the effectiveness of individuals may have less to do with what they know than it does with their ability to share their knowledge and expertise with others on their teams. It also has much to do with their ability to absorb and use the knowledge and expertise of others.

It isn't enough to possess knowledge and expertise. It's what you do with the knowledge and expertise that counts.

Star performance on a work-place team follows the same principles as star performance on an athletic team.

A talented quarterback on a football team will get nowhere without knowing who's good at running for short yardage, who's good at receiving a long pass, and who's good at the sweeping end run. He also needs to know who will protect him against a rushing offense.

Star performers in the work place also need to know where to go for the cooperation, support and expertise they need to do their jobs. And they need to recognize the places where their own knowledge and expertise can contribute to team results.

The Bell Labs study identified nine work strategies that characterize star performers. All of them are qualities that can be inculcated through a good corporate education system.

According to researchers Robert Kelly and Janet Caplan, these qualities are:

1. Taking initiative: accepting responsibility above and beyond your stated job, volunteering for additional activities, and promoting new ideas.

2. Networking: getting direct and immediate access to coworkers with technical expertise and sharing your own knowledge with those who need it.

3. Self-management: regulating your own work commitments, time, performance level, and career growth.

4. Teamwork effectiveness: assuming joint responsibility for work activities, coordinating efforts, and accomplishing shared goals with workers.

5. Leadership: formulating, stating, and building consensus on common goals and working to accomplish them.

6. Followership: helping the leader to accomplish the organization's goals and thinking for yourself rather than relying solely on managerial direction.

7. Perspective: seeing your job in its larger context and taking on other viewpoints like those of the customer, manager and work team.

8. Show-and-tell: presenting your ideas persuasively in written or oral form.

9. Organizational savvy: navigating the competing interests in an organization, be they individual or group, to promote cooperation, address conflicts, and get things done.

Star performers and their run-of-the-mill colleagues differed in two distinct ways:

- The way they ranked strategies
- The way they described strategies

Star performers considered initiative, technical competence and other cognitive abilities to be core competencies. Show-and-tell and organizational savvy were on the outer edge of their circle of importance.

Middle performers placed show-and-tell and organizational savvy at the center. While star performers were focused on performance, middle performers were focused on impressing management.

Initiative meant one thing to star performers and quite another to the middle performers.

One middle performer told of gathering and organizing source materials, including documents and software tools, for a project he was beginning with his group. Another described writing a memo to his superior about a software bug. Both thought they were showing initiative.

But star performers regarded these as routine actions. Of course you fix a software bug when you find it. Of course you prepare in advance for a project. So what else is new? To them, initiative involves much more.

Star performers and middle performers also showed marked differences in their attitudes toward networking.

The middle performers waited until after they had encountered problems before looking around for someone who could provide help and support.

The star performers built a network of helpers and supporters in advance, so that they could call on them immediately when needed.

Some middle performers also lacked perspective. They understood the functions of their specific jobs, but they did not relate their jobs to the overall mission of the company. Nor were they skilled at identifying with the viewpoints of customers, managers or fellow members of the work team.

The study concluded that "Individual productivity . . . depends on the ability to channel one's expertise, creativity and insight into working with other professionals."

These are precisely the skills acquired through a good corporate educational program that emphasizes behaviors as well as mechanical skills.

Star performers emerge from educational systems tailored to the individual company and the individual job. They don't want to become clones.

Too many companies today are content with training programs that provide people with knowledge and expertise, but skimp on educational processes that teach them to apply what they learn.

You can train people to do the mechanical tasks related to your business. But you can't train them to seek excellence. You change that attitude through consistent input that appeals to an individual's self-interest and organizational spirit.

That is the function of a good corporate educational system.

Self Confidence

Your Thoughts lead to Words. 
Your Words lead to Actions. 
Your Actions build Your Character. 
Your Character determines Your Destiny.

is an important key to success in any walk of life. 

People with self-confidence are noticed more. 
They achieve their goals relatively easily. 
In contrast, people who lack self-confidence often end up being losers. 
You too need to build your self-confidence if you want to do well in life. 

Here are ten tips that can help you build that elusive self-confidence:

1. Self-confidence is found in people who have healthy self-esteem. They know their personal worth and act accordingly. A good way to improve your personal worth is to make a list of your accomplishments every day. You will be surprised to know how many positive acts you perform every day in life, but which you don't notice. Once you start looking at this list, your self-confidence will boom.

2. Be clear about your goals. If need be, break your goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. Pat yourself every time you achieve a minor goal. It will boost your self-confidence, and help you achieve bigger goals.

3. Find a mentor who can help you reach your goal. Most people, who have done well in life, have a mentor who has traveled the same road on which they are traveling today. Meet your mentor regularly, and seek his advice and support as a routine. You will find that you are learning something valuable every day

4. Socialize with people who are positive and supportive, who like and respect you. Give them the same support and respect that they give you. Avoid people who are negative and critical of you. Such people erode your self-confidence. They make you look at your negative self, and not your positive self. After some time, you get enveloped in their cynical and negative world-view. Nothing can be more damaging than that. Dump such friends as soon as you can.

5. Pay attention to how you look. Take pleasure in wearing good clothes and being well groomed. It makes you feel good. People too look at you differently. Remember that every human being wants to be found in the company of smart, intelligent, successful people. 

You can soon be a centre of attraction if you radiate a positive, smart look. 
It can very easily make the difference between success and failure.

Try to practice these tips as faithfully as you can, and see the difference in your life.


World of Mysteries

 The Key to the Theory of Everything....

How to learn from unsuccessful people
by The True "Secret" Revealed


Reflection ..... revealed

There is no such thing as a failure- there is only feedback.

:"When a negative thought hits you, hit it with a positive thought. It will come out the best."
~quote from Yogi Bhajan

When you have control over your thoughts, you have control over your life.

Clear thoughts produce clear results.

"I am safe.Everything always turns out to my ultimate advantage."

Whatever it is you want, you can have it, but it takes believing.

If you are brave enough to say "good bye". life will reward you with a new "hello".

what you focus upon,expands....simply law of attraction 

shared from facebook of  Rhonda..
Tq Tq Tq...


Positive influence

Lets give it a thought...

“Raise your standards and you will rise along with them.”
―Mastin Kipp

‎"When a goal matters enough to a person, that person will find a way to accomplish what at first seemed impossible."
- Nido Qubein ...Quote

It's not the things we get, but the hearts we touch that will measure our success in life.

Never get tired of doing the little things for others. For sometimes, those little things occupy the biggest part of their heart.

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have."
- Frederick Koenig

“What matters is where you want to go rather than where you are right now. Your starting place is just that, where you start. Nothing more and nothing less.” 
― Alissa Finerman

"What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are."
 - Tony Robbins

“Great thoughts speak only to the thoughtful mind, but great actions speak to all mankind.”
 - Theodore Roosevelt

"How people treat you is their karma. How you react is yours." 
- Wayne Dyer

Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

“You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up the belief that you can’t have it.” 
– Robert Anthony

Great minds discuss ideas; 
Average minds discuss events; 
Small minds discuss people.

Some of the best moments in life come from doing things that scare you the most.

If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place. 
- Nora Roberts

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
It turns what we have into enough, and more.
It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity.
It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. 
Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.
- Melody Beattie

Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me. 
Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful, that's what matters to me.
- Steve Jobs

As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things you didn't do. 
~Zachary Scott

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”



The origin of FEAR...

lies in the unknown ....

Be it the darkness, ghosts, weather calamities or whatever is unknown to the man is feared the most.
If you are walking in darkness, you are afraid to go ahead, fearing what will come next.
However, as the light appears, the fear tends to settle down.
Fear, thus, is just a manifestation of your imagination ruled by cowardliness.
When we get certain information on our fears, we get relaxed.
However, it’s not going to be possible that we will always get the information on the unknown.
Then what can we really do to manage our fears?

1. Accept your fears:
There’s no need to fight your fears. The more you fight, the more they will haunt you. If you accept them the way they are, they will bring a shift in your consciousness necessary to move beyond the fear.

2. Fear is normal:
There’s nothing to be embarrassed about in being afraid. If you are afraid, then you are. Society has connected fear with the sign of weakness and that is one of the reasons why we hate to accept that we are afraid. When you accept fear as a normal emotion, it doesn’t bother you anymore.

3. Explore the unknown:
Every year, make a list of things that you fear the most. Then, do something everyday that gets you closer to the unknown factor residing in your fear. Gradually, you will overcome all your fears one by one.

4. Know the roots:
Go into the source of your fear. Some fears are based on past conditioning. Having a good understanding of the roots from where it all started will help in moving toward state of fearlessness.

Moving on, death seems to be the second issue bothering everyone if the world ends.
There’s nothing one can do to avoid death.
You can avoid the possibility of birth by using pills, protection and so on,
but man hasn’t been able to interfere in the business of death.
What you can do is accept it with open arms.
If the world ends, it ends.
It will release all of us from a life where we yearn for things that are useless
to show off to the people who don’t matter.
When the world ends, it will end for everyone.
Why we are giving it so much attention?!

(original article by by Chandresh Bhardwaj)
