Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Reflections on the Medical Miracles of the Holy Quran

written by...

Dr. Sharif Kaf Al Ghazal

September 2004

(Acknowledgement : I would like to acknowledge the great help that Mr. M A H Madi *  provided into the English translation of this article . )

Introduction :

The sensation of skin pain
What about intestines ..?
What is the reason behind advancing hearing over sight in the Holy Quran ?
What we see and what not  ….
The origin of creation : clay & water !
Embryology and Human Creation between Quran & Science
Finger Prints
Forelock  !
Man in high altitudes
Medical References  at the shadows of Surat Al Kahf
An international patent for Quranic eye drop!
Breast feed your baby even if with your eye-drops … !
Miracle of Honey
Carrion .. blood .. flesh of swine
Fruit :  is it before or after  ?
Ablution (Wodo'e) and health purity
Prayer  :  a healing for the spirit and the body
Medical benefits of fasting Ramadan
Quran : a healing and a mercy



 * Mr. Mohammed Abdul Hamid Madi ( senior translator in the Royal Commission Medical Center - Yanbu -  Saudi Arabia ) . Some of his work was published on line .

The Quran which was revealed fourteen centuries ago to Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) states: 

“Whomsoever Allah desires to guide, He expands his chest to Islam; whomsoever He desires to lead astray, He makes his chest narrow, tight, as if he were climbing up to the sky.” (6:125)

{فّمّن يٍرٌدٌ اللَّهٍ أّن يّهًدٌيّهٍ يّشًرّحً صّدًرّهٍ لٌلإسًلامٌ ومّن يٍرٌدً أّن يٍضٌلَّهٍ يّجًعّلً صّدًرّهٍ ضّيٌَقْا حّرّجْا كّأّّنَّمّا يّصَّعَّدٍ فٌي السَّمّاءٌ} 

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