Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Positive Thinking For Children


Three Of The Best Positive Parenting Techniques

Positive thinking for children is just as critical as it is for adults. Read on to find out some of the best positive parenting techniques to help teach kids the power of positive thinking. Many of these tips and techniques will serve a dual purpose. They will not only convince your child of the power of their thoughts, they will also help with self esteem building. 

Positive Thinking For Children Tip #1: The Stories We Tell Ourselves Are Powerful


Kids often see the world as occuring independently of themselves. It takes experience and insight to realize that the world occurs according to the way we choose to look at it. And the choice of how we look at things determines our future actions and circumstances. 

The next time your child is facing some difficulty, challenge them on their thinking by showing them their interpretation is just one possible story. For example, if they are unhappy because another child at school is being unfriendly, explore your child's interpretation... why do they think their schoolmate is being unfriendly? It's their interpretation that is causing them to feel upset. After they have shared their POV, provide an alternative perspective. Maybe the schoolmate is jealous of them? Maybe threatened? Maybe they are having some problems of their own. This exercise will show your child that there's many possible interpretations for every life event. 

Now ask them how they might behave differently depending on which perspective they held. You want them to see that empowering stories lead to empowering actions while disempowering stories will cause them to be unhappy and close down. 

Positive Thinking For Children Tip #2: Your Focus Determines Your Future


From an early age, kids truly experience the power of negative thinking. They can become hysterically upset by their own imaginations. They can thrive or fall apart all based on their own magical fantasies and projections. While it's difficult to convince a three year old who's afraid of the dark that she can disempower her negative thoughts by focusing on  her positive ones, older kids are more open and interested. Teach your kids that a successful person isn't someone who has rid themselves of negative thoughts, rather it's someone who has learned to focus only on their positive thoughts. 

To show your kids the power of their thinking and intentions, it's a great idea to conduct Dr Masaru Emoto's rice experiment so they can see firsthand that what they focus on has real consequences. You can also share with them Dr Emoto's water molecule experiments


Positive Thinking For Children Tip #3: The Law Of Cause And Effect


Many adults don't realize that the power of positive thinking lies in the relationship between thoughts and feelings. So it's not surprising that most kids don't realize this either. A great way to explain to children that their feelings typically stem from their thoughts is to tell them about the Law of Cause And Effect. Knowing that every action will have an equal reaction can give them a deeper way to contemplate their own behavior. And by explaining this in order to understand that feelings are the effect or result of thoughts, they will come to see that positive self talk is the best thing they can do for themselves as it will ultimately lead them to bring forth the best they have inside and share it with the world. 


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