Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Thought influences water... An interview with Dr. Emoto

Extracted from ...i would like to share the interview ....

Dr. Masaru Emoto is a Japanese scientist who believes our thoughts influence the molecular structure of water. He is gently and relentlessly, promoting love for water around the world.

Read along...

We asked Dr. Emoto a few questions about his fascination with water and what water means for the world.

How did you get started working with water?
In the beginning, I started it with the intention of founding a business. Yet when I published “Messages from Water” six years ago, I was surprised at the response from it and felt that this is going to be revolutionary.

How has the public responded to your lectures/books/teachings?
Everyone is resonating to my books and seminars and is expressing their feelings honestly.

How can we implement the findings of your work into our daily lives?
To honestly hold the feelings of love, gratitude and respect towards water. [To understand] that every phenomenon is created by human consciousness.

Can we abolish evil with prayer and positive thinking?
It is possible; however, it's a numbers game.

How much does negativity affect our surroundings?
It is the basis of all diseases, crime, war and natural disasters.

How can a better connection with water help us in our lives?
The above negative effects can be eradicated.

Do negative thoughts create physical manifestations?
Yes, it can eventually lead to destruction.

What do you wish for the world?
To hold the feeling of love and gratitude always toward water. To send positive and forward thinking vibration at all times and to yearn for beauty.

Order this book on - The Hidden Messages in Water



 The interview with Dr. Emoto was translated by his son, Hiro Emoto. 


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