Thursday, March 31, 2011

The World of Ancient Persia

Persian Empire, Persopolis - Crystalinks

 Ancient Persia - modern Iran - is legendary.

Two thousand years ago, this vast and powerful empire stretched from the Mediterranean to the River Indus. Great kings created the breathtaking cities of Persepolis, Susa and Pasargadae, which now lie in ruins. Follow the links to rediscover the riches of a forgotten empire...


Friday, March 25, 2011

History textbooks biased, say writers

I would like to share the view of the writer.. adapted from

By Zakiah Koya, The Sun

History textbooks are biased and littered with errors, claim two authors and academicians. Dr Ranjit Singh Malhi and Ng How Kuen, who writes history textbooks for Chinese schools, say their experience with officialdom does not augur well for the teaching of history in our classrooms.
Ranjit, author of secondary school history textbooks since 1990, and adviser to the Ministry of Education (MOE) on history textbooks, said such material were littered with factual errors and distortions. He said that when he pointed out the errors and distortions, a ministry official labelled him “anti-national”.

“Secondary school history textbooks have been used to promote political interests. It should be a scholarly pursuit and not politically-motivated,” said Ranjit who showed theSun history textbooks with errors and exaggerated facts.

“Five out of 10 chapters of the Form Four history textbook deal with Islamic history as compared to only one chapter in the earlier textbook. The intention of the earlier syllabus was to expose our students to World History,” he said when commenting on the announcement that the history syllabus is being reviewed and that the subject will be made a compulsory pass in the Sijil
Pelajaran Malaysia from 2013.

“The coverage of important historical events such as Renaissance and Industrial Revolution has been reduced by more than half,” he said.

He also said certain historical personalities, such as Yap Ah Loy (the third Kapitan China of Kuala Lumpur), were not given due recognition. Yap played a major role in the development of Kuala Lumpur as a commercial and tin-mining centre, particularly after the fire of 1881,” he said, adding that the Form Two history textbook had only one sentence on Yap as “one of the persons
responsible for developing Kuala Lumpur”.

“There is also no mention of freedom fighters such as Gurchan Singh (“Lion of Malaya”) and Sybil Karthigesu who resisted the Japanese Occupation of Malaya,” he said. (Gurchan secretly distributed a newspaper during the Japanese occupation while Sybil, who was tortured by the Japanese, and her husband treated wounded guerillas of the Malayan People’s Anti-Japanese Army).

The most glaring example of bias, he said, was related to the downfall of the Malay Sultanate of Malacca.

"The 1996 Form One textbook stated inter alia that a few Indian merchants lent their junks to the Portuguese in their attack on Malacca. I know of no historical evidence to support this fact,” said Ranjit.

“Six Chinese captains agreed to lend their junks to the Portuguese due to their hatred for Sultan Mahmud who had earlier detained them and their men to help attack Aru. The Portuguese used only one junk provided by one of the Chinese,” he said.

Ranjit pointed out that the decision to make history a must pass subject for SPM from 2013 was rooted in a wrong premise. "It is not right to assume that students will study history seriously and will be more patriotic after clearly understanding the Federal Constitution and the social contract.

“Patriotism thrives when citizens have a ‘sense of belonging’ and perceive themselves being treated equitably,” he said.

Ng, meanwhile, fears that making history a compulsory pass subject would mean one would have to subscribe to one’s version of events or risk failing the entire examination.

Ng, whose textbooks are still used in Chinese-medium primary schools, however stressed that it was timely to review the syllabus. “We always had to follow the curriculum given by the MOE and therefore the ruling parties have the upper hand in defining our history.”

As an example, he said when writing on the fight for independence, the contributions of the communists were left out.

He said history books should be written by historians and not teachers (Perstuan Sejarah pun janganlah pegang lama-lama, macam dah tak ada orang lain) as the former were not bound by the curriculum. “Students do know the truth but as textbooks are written according to approved curriculum, students end up learning history that is skewed,” said Ng. -- theSun

History of Siam...

My  mother  used to tell stories  about  her  ancestors and our family  decendants ..but  as a good child i will just listen and  absorbed  what is being said....

With no records to prove of my being and relation the story of  the ancestors ...i leave it as that ... 

My mother used to say...  "  What's in a name and title ...?  ...What runs in the blood that counts!...  We must always preserves our religious values and etiquette  at all times....and in what ever situations let the  Quran and Sunnah be our guide..."....

What's being taught to me  by mother  the same that  i do to my children ...and hope  the tradition of reminding one another will be pass on to the next generation and so on...  

I love  reading and the internet was one good resource of information.    i came across  the history of   " Benua Siam   "  from  sejarahnagarakedah   website ...then it leads to kedahcybersyburi.....then  mindaahad.
I am  surprised   the story line   written sounds similar  to   what  mother  used to tell...
Then makes me wonder...and wonder...  where does this leads ....who are my ancestors?  Am I what my mother said who we are...really..?

But again...even one of the writtings do mention ...that most  stories have been the  " musuh bisik  "  year..  most dignified actual decendants royal  parents will send their daughters elsewhere  undercover and change their name and identity as to  avoid being track  and  kill... and my great great grandmother is one of them...

I do believe ...the writtings of these writers i mentioned...they must have strong grounds to  put forward  their  story in  writtings...Its like an  " amanah "  to tell the real   story and history...

again...I have no  evidence or what so ever  to claim ...only  upholding to what mother said..."  what runs in the blood  that counts...."   and true enough...i believe...not all people can  enter certain grounds  on this earth  but   only to  those that   belongs and have the right ...set by the ancestors...

I hope  the writer mindaahad  do not mind me sharing  the article  which  i would like to share in this  post...


Bangsa Siam, Bahasa Melayu, Tulisan Jawi.


.....  Melayu pada zaman dahulu adalah bahasa untuk menyampaikan syiar islam di seluruh nusantara dan jawi pula adalah tulisannya. Hari ini, Melayu telah menjadi bangsa dan rumi pula adalah teks tulisannya.

Adat raja-raja di BENUA SIAM, di atas itu lah petanya. Meminang dengan tepak sireh dan cincin sebentuk pun adat siam?. Yang mana dahulu, yang mana kemudian, Siam ke Melayu? Bagi kami, Melayu itu rakyat benua siam asalnya.Sila klik untuk besarkan.

Kedatangan Raja Merong Mahawangsa yang bergelar Sultan Mudzaffar Syah I   ke no-san-ta-ra bermaksud, pucuk-muda-mula-bercambah (pucuk muda ialah syiar islam) adalah di atas perintah Maharaja Cina Sai Tee Sung yang telah diislamkan oleh Saad bin Waqas dalam tahun 650 masihi. Jelasnya, jika ulamak dan syiar islam telah sampai ke negeri Cina, bahasa Arab sudah pasti turut di pelajari di sana. Adakah orang siam ini kuat Islammya dan turut menggunakan perkataan Arab untuk merujuk kepada bangsa mereka yang dikatakan warak? Sebagai contoh di dalam UUK, keturunan Raja Besar Benua Siam Islam ini turut menggunakan gelaran Maulana dan Khalifah. Mengenai undang-undang pula, sesiapa yang tidak berpuasa, sembahyang lima waktu dan sembahyang jumaat “..apabila ia keras (melawan), suruh tangkap dan bawa ke masjid,kekang lehernya”,ms18. Banyak lagi contoh-contoh lain yang terdapat dalam UUK.

Illustrasi Sheikh Huang Tee yang dipetik dari blog sejarah maharaja China. Dari benih manakah Sheikh ni berjambang? Setahu kami orang china ni jangan kata nak berjambang, nak bermisai pun payah.

Menurut wasiat dari TNL Kassim, Maharaja Cina Sai Tee Sung tidak terkejut dengan kedatangan Saad bin Waqas untuk menyebarkan syiar islam. Rupa-rupanya, mereka di cina ketika itu masih lagi mengamalkan agama Allah tinggalan zaman Sheikh Huang Tee (yang bertindak membakar buku-buku ajaran Confucius). Sheikh Huang Tee (Huang Tee bermaksud maharaja) adalah juga dari keturunan Raja Iskandar Zulkarnain. Setelah diislamkan oleh Saad bin Waqas dalam tahun 650m, Sai Tee Sung telah mengutuskan cucunya Raja Merong Mahawangsa untuk menyebarkan syiar islam ke nusantara. Cucu baginda Merong Mahawangsa iaitu Khalifah Sayyidina Ali ketika menjadi Raja di Acheh telah bertindak menulis Undang Undang Kedah dalam tahun 812 masihi/222hijrah.

Puak musuh thai penjajah negeri Siam ini berasal dari puak Suk-kho-thai, bermaksud puak-musuh-kafir. Hingga ke hari ini orang-orang Siam di kedah masih menyebut kafir dengan sebutan tai. Thai kemudiannya menukar nama negara Siam Islam kepada Thailand sempena nama bangsa mereka. Hari ini setelah rakyat mereka mengetahui sejarah sebenar, mereka membuat demonstrasi jalanan, ahli politik mereka turut mengetahui sejarah realiti, mulalah mereka sibuk ingin menukar nama Thailand kepada Siam. Mereka lupa satu perkara, Siam dahulunya adalah sebuah kerajaan Islam.
“Satu hal yang agak anih ialah di antara penduduknya terdapat ramai orang keturunan Melayu (tetapi tidak boleh bercakap Melayu lagi). Terdapat banyak kampung Melayu, dan tidak kurang masjid-masjid di kawasan Ayyuthaya.”

Semua ini dulunya dilakukan dengan pertolongan penjajah Inggeris yang sememangnya ingin menjatuhkan Empayar Islam Benua Siam Kedah dan empayar Islam yang lain. Di peringkat dalaman penjajah Inggeris mendapat sokongan raja-raja Melayu yang di lantik oleh mereka (memerintah negeri-negeri Selat). Kami katakan di sini bahawa Raja-raja Melayu yang dilantik penjajah Inggeris dan thai telah engkar kepada Yang Di Pertuan Kedah (hari ini Yang Di Pertuan Agong) ketika itu, demi tamakkan kuasa dan harta.
Penjajah Inggeris pula menamakan tanah jajahan ini sebagai Tanah Melayu pada hal peta Portugis dan Belanda (sebelum kedatangan Inggeris) jelas menunjukkan nama semenanjung ini sebagai Semenanjung Siam Melaka. Elok sangat la begitu pada pandangan mereka setelah dikerat dua, satu diberi nama thaiLAND dan satu lagi dinamakan TANAH Melayu.

Furthur reading of the above articles  can be found  ..written by ..


Untuk Renungan....


Barisan pertama: 

Di iringi dari kubur dlm keadaan tidak bertangan dan  berkaki . Keadaan ini dijelaskan melalui seruan Allah S.W.T : "Mereka orang2 yg menyakiti hati jiran sewaktu hidup mereka. Mereka yg sombong dan  tidak berbuat kebaikan kepada jiran tetangga akan mendapat kehinaan didunia maupun di akhirat". 

Firman Allah 'aku akan memalingkan hati orang yg sombong serta takbur di muka bumi ini dengan tiada alasan yg benar dari (memahami) ayat2 ku(yg menunjukkan kekuasaan ku),itulah balasan dan  tempat kembali mereka adalah neraka".

Barisan ke-2: 

Di iringi dari kubur dlm bentuk babi hutan datang seruan Allah "mereka orang yg meringan2kan solat sewaktu hidup,sesungguhnya orang yg memelihara solat 5 waktu akan dihindari dari siksa kubur sebaliknya, mereka yg mengabaikan maka waktu dia mati, Mayatnya akan dihimpit oleh liang lahat sehingga berselisih tulang rusuk. 

Rasulullah saw bersabda 
"sesungguhnya seorang hamba apabila dia berdiri untuk bersolat,maka di letakkan semua dosanya di atas kepala dan  kedua2 bahunya, maka setiap kali dia rukuk atau sujud, berjatuhanlah dosa2 itu.

Barisan ke-3: 

Di iringi dari kubur dgn bentuk keldai & perut penuh ular serta kala jengking "mereka adalah orang yg enggan membayar zakat ketika hidupnya walaupun pada ketika itu mereka tergolong dlm orang yg berkemampuan. Inilah balasannya dan  tempat kembali mereka adalah neraka.

Barisan ke-4: 

Diiringi dari kubur dlm keadaan darah memancut keluar dari mulut.    Mereka adalah antara orang yg suka berdusta ketika berjual beli. Berniagalah dengan jujur serta amanah agar hasil yg diperoleh datang dari sumber yg halal.

Barisan ke-5: 

Diiringi dari kubur dalam keadaan berbau busuk seperti bangkai ketika itu Allah menurunkan angin sehingga bau busuk itu menganggu ketenteraman padang mahsyar 
"Mereka ini adalah orang yang menyembunyikan perlakuan derhaka, takut diketahui oleh manusia tetapi tidak pula takut kepada Allah. inilah balasannya dan  tempat mereka juga adalah neraka.

Barisan ke-6: 

Diiringi dari kubur dengan keadaan kepala terputus dari badan mereka adalah orang yg dahulunya menjadi saksi palsu.

Barisan ke-7: 

Diiringi dari kubur tanpa lidah tetapi mengalir darah dan  nanah dari mulut mereka. Mereka ini adalah orang yg enggan memberi kesaksian kebenaran.

Barisan ke-8: 

Diiringi dari kubur dlm keadaan terbalik,  kepala kebawah dan  kaki ke atas. Mereka adalah orang yg melakukan zina. Tempat mereka juga adalah di neraka. 
Sabda rasulullah "tiada bersunyi2an antara seorang lelaki dan  wanita, melainkan wujudnya syaitan sebagai orang ketiga antara mereka".

Barisan ke-9: 

Diiringi dari kubur dengan wajah hitam ; bermata biru, sementara dlm diri mereka penuh dengan api gemuruh mereka adalah orang yg makan harta anak yatim dengan cara yang tidak sepatutnya.

Barisan ke-10: 

Diiringi dari kubur dlm keadaan tubuh berpenyakit sopak  dipenuhi kusta. Mereka ini adalah orang yg derhaka kepada ibu bapa sewaktu hidupnya.

Barisan ke-11: 

Diiringi dari kubur dlm keadaan buta,  gigi panjang seperti tanduk lembu jantan,  bibir terjuih hingga ke dada ; 
lidah terjulur hingga ke perut serta keluar pelbagai kotoran yg menjijikkan. Mereka ini adalah orang yg minum arak sewaktu hidupnya. 

Barisan ke-12: 

Diiringi dari kubur dengan wajah bersinar2 seperti bulan purnama. mereka melalui titian Siratulmustakim seperti kilat. 
Datang suara dari sisi Allah yang memaklumkan 
"mereka semasa hidupnya adalah orang yg beramal salih serta melakukan kebaikan. Mereka juga menjauhi perbuatan derhaka, memelihara solat lima waktu ; meninggalkan dunia dalam keadaan bertaubat. Inilah balasan mereka ; tempat kembali mereka adalah syurga, beroleh keampunan, kasih sayang ; keredhaan Allah S.W.T"


RASULULLAH s.a.w telah bersabda yang bermaksud:

"Bacalah surah Yassin kerana ia mengandungi keberkatan", iaitu:

1. Apabila orang lapar membaca surah Yaasin, ia boleh menjadi kenyang.

2. Jika orang tiada pakaian boleh mendapat pakaian.

3. Jika orang belum berkahwin akan mendapat jodoh.

4. Jika dalam ketakutan boleh hilang perasaan takut. 

5. Jika terpenjara akan dibebaskan.

6. Jika musafir membacanya, akan mendapat kesenangan apa yang dilihatnya.

7. Jika tersesat boleh sampai ke tempat yang ditujuinya. 

8. Jika dibacakan kepada orang yang telah meninggal dunia, Allah meringankan siksanya.

9. Jika orang yang dahaga membacanya, hilang rasa hausnya.

10. Jika dibacakan kepada orang yang sakit, terhindar daripada penyakitnya.

11. Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: 

"Sesungguhnya setiap sesuatu mempunyai hati dan hati al-Quran itu ialah Yassin. Sesiapa membaca surah Yassin,nescaya Allah menuliskan pahalanya seperti pahala membaca al-Quran sebanyak 10 kali.

12. Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w lagi, 

"Apabila datang ajal orang yang suka membaca surah Yassin pada setiap hari, turunlah beberapa malaikat berbaris bersama Malaikat Maut. Mereka berdoa dan meminta dosanya diampunkan Allah, menyaksikan ketika mayatnya dimandikan dan turut menyembahyangkan jenazahnya".

13. Malaikat Maut tidak mahu memaksa mencabut nyawa orang yang suka membaca Yaasin sehingga datang Malaikat Redwan dari syurga membawa minuman untuknya. Ketika dia meminumnya alangkah nikmat perasaannya dan dimasukkan ke dalam kubur dengan rasa bahagia dan tidak merasa sakit ketika nyawanya diambil.

14. Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda selanjutnya: 

"Sesiapa bersembahyang sunat dua rakaat pada malam Jumaat, dibaca pada rakaat pertama surah Yaasin dan rakaat kedua Tabaroka. Allah jadikan setiap huruf cahaya di hadapannya pada hari kemudian dan dia akan menerima suratan amalannya di tangan kanan dan diberi kesempatan membela 70 orang daripada ahli rumahnya tetapi sesiapa yang meragui keterangan ini, dia adalah orang-orang yang munafik.

Untuk renungan semua,

Siapakah orang yang sibuk ? 
Orang yang sibuk adalah orang yang tidak mengambil berat akan waktu solatnya seolah-olah ia mempunyai kerajaan seperti kerajaan Nabi Sulaiman a.s

Siapakah orang yang manis senyumannya? 
Orang yang mempunyai senyuman yang manis adalah orang yang ditimpa musibah lalu dia kata "Inna lillahi wainna illaihi rajiuun." Lalu sambil berkata,"Ya Rabbi Aku redha dengan ketentuanMu ini", sambil mengukir senyuman.

Siapakah orang yang kaya? 
Orang yang kaya adalah orang yang bersyukur dengan apa yang ada dan tidak lupa akan kenikmatan dunia yang sementara ini.

Siapakah orang yang miskin? 
Orang yang miskin adalah orang tidak puas dengan nikmat yang ada sentiasa menumpuk - numpukkan harta. 

Siapakah orang yang rugi? 
Orang yang rugi adalah orang yang sudah sampai usia pertengahan namun masih berat untuk melakukan ibadat dan amal-amal kebaikan.

Siapakah orang yang paling cantik? 
Orang yang paling cantik adalah orang yang mempunyai akhlak yang baik.

Siapakah orang yang mempunyai rumah yang paling luas? Orang yang mempunyai rumah yang paling luas adalah orang yang mati membawa amal-amal kebaikan di mana kuburnya akan di perluaskan saujana mata memandang.

Siapakah orang yang mempunyai rumah yang sempit lagi dihimpit? 
Orang yang mempunyai rumah yang sempit adalah orang yang mati tidak membawa amal-amal kebaikkan lalu kuburnya menghimpitnya.

Siapakah orang yang mempunyai akal? 
Orang yang mempunyai akal adalah orang-orang yang menghuni syurga kelak kerana telah mengunakan akal sewaktu di dunia untuk menghindari seksa neraka.

Siapakah org yg KEDEKUT ? 
Orang yg kedekut ialah orang yg membiar atau membuang ilmu begitu sahaja, malah dia tidak akan menyampaikan pula pada orang lain.

Sebaik-baik manusia itu adalah mereka yang memberi manafa'at kepada manusia lain... 


What is the Alpha state of mind?

Just before sleep the human brain enters the alpha state. 
When we are wide awake, our brain is in a beta (and sometimes gamma) state, but as we drift into sleep, it shifts to alpha, and then to delta and theta in deep sleep. 
The alpha state is a light hypnotic state—relaxed, yet focused and receptive. In this state of consciousness, a person is calm, able to absorb new information and become more resourceful and open to new possibilities.

In science language...

Neuroscientists measure electrical activity in the brain using EEG (electroencephalograph) machines. These machines measure 'fluctuations of energy sweeping across the neural networks of the brain'. These energy pulsations are called brain waves.

There are four distinct varieties of brain waves which have been called beta, alpha, theta, and delta.

Beta Waves -- 14 Hz to 100 Hz -- are associated with normal, waking, eyes-open consciousness; alertness, arousal, concentration, cognition.

Alpha Waves -- 8 Hz to 13 Hz -- are associated with the brain's relaxed or neutral state. This occurs when we are relaxed and healthy and not under stress.

Theta Waves -- 4 Hz to 8 Hz -- as calmness and relaxation deepen into drowsiness, the brain shifts to this twilight state between waking and sleep. Theta is associated with vivid imagery, creative insights, dreaming, visions, creative ideas.

Delta Waves -- below 4 Hz -- are typically associated with deep sleep or unconsciousness. Delta is also generated by those who can access deep trancelike or 'non-physical' states.

The simplified relationship between your brain waves and your state of consciousness can be summarized in the figure below: 

alpha brain waves

Alpha State opens the door
to the subconscious

When you allow yourself to enter the alpha state as I described, suppressed feelings will spontaneously begin to jump into your awareness as the subconscious cleanses. Just sitting still gives the subconscious the opportunity to bring its suppressed contents to consciousness for healing and clearing.

Alpha state refers to the rate of electrical vibrations of the brain. The normal waking rate, the beta state, is from 13 to 30 cycles per second. In alpha, brainwaves slow down to between 8 to 12 cycles per second. You can even go deeper, as you acquire expertise in processing, entering the theta state of 4 to 7 cycles per second. 

Much research has been done on the benefits of the alpha state. Healing occurs naturally and the conscious mind is relaxed. The body is relaxed and feels different. Processing begins: The Higher Self and the Witness begin to function. The psychic abilities are awakened. Sensitivity to the energy flow (as perceived through the feelings) increases. Visualizations and affirmations are more effective. Clearing begins, almost spontaneously. Integration is facilitated.

There are several ways to induce alpha state. Here’s one that works well for me:
  1. Sit comfortably or lie down, closing your eyes. Perform a number of deep breaths.
  2. Visualize the number 3 and say to yourself “Three” 3 times.
  3. Visualize the number 2 and say to yourself “Two” 3 times.
  4. Visualize the number 1 and say to yourself “One” 3 times.
  5. Visualize the number 10 and say “I’m relaxing”
  6. Visualize the number 9 and say “I’m calming down”
  7. Visualize the number 8 and say “I’m relaxing more and more”
  8. Visualize the number 7 and say “I’m calming down more and more”
  9. Visualize the number 6 and say “My consciousness is clear and tranquil”
  10. Visualize the number 5 and say “My whole body is relaxed”
  11. Visualize the number 4 and say “I’m so relaxed so that I can’t feel the weight of my body”
  12. Visualize the number 3 and say “I’m totally calm”
  13. Visualize the number 2 and say “I’m totally relaxed”
  14. Visualize the number 1 and say “I’m totally calm and totally relaxed. I’m at alpha.”

When you get to this point, you’ll be at alpha and should feel very relaxed. Note, that if you perform this while lying in bed and a bit tired, you can fall asleep even before your reach the end of this exercise. If you have trouble falling asleep, this is a good exercise to do every time you lie down and intend to sleep.

One of the technique  taught  when i attended  np642 camp on 24-26Feb2011 @ Awana Genting.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dr. Masaru Emoto: The Power Of Thoughts

Masaru Emoto Proves The Magic Of Positive Thinking


The fact that the human body is up to 60% water compounds the importance of Dr. Masaru Emoto's findings about the power of negative thinking and the energy of thoughts. 

What do we do to our own bodies everytime we entertain negative thoughts? And on the flip side, just how powerful is positive thinking and optimism? No one knows the precise answer to these questions, but the findings of Dr. Emoto are certainly compelling evidence that the quality of our thinking can greatly impact our health and wellbeing. 

Be careful what you entertain in your mind! Even negative and positive self talk has far-reaching consequences. So be kind to yourself and feel confident in relying upon positive thinking to help you reach your goals. It truly is one of the most powerful self help solutions that we know of. 

The magic of positive thinking is as real as you decide to make it. When you practice positive thinking, you cultivate positive emotions which has many good effects: improved health and well being, better relationships and higher levels of fulfillment in life. 


Positive Thinking For Children


Three Of The Best Positive Parenting Techniques

Positive thinking for children is just as critical as it is for adults. Read on to find out some of the best positive parenting techniques to help teach kids the power of positive thinking. Many of these tips and techniques will serve a dual purpose. They will not only convince your child of the power of their thoughts, they will also help with self esteem building. 

Positive Thinking For Children Tip #1: The Stories We Tell Ourselves Are Powerful


Kids often see the world as occuring independently of themselves. It takes experience and insight to realize that the world occurs according to the way we choose to look at it. And the choice of how we look at things determines our future actions and circumstances. 

The next time your child is facing some difficulty, challenge them on their thinking by showing them their interpretation is just one possible story. For example, if they are unhappy because another child at school is being unfriendly, explore your child's interpretation... why do they think their schoolmate is being unfriendly? It's their interpretation that is causing them to feel upset. After they have shared their POV, provide an alternative perspective. Maybe the schoolmate is jealous of them? Maybe threatened? Maybe they are having some problems of their own. This exercise will show your child that there's many possible interpretations for every life event. 

Now ask them how they might behave differently depending on which perspective they held. You want them to see that empowering stories lead to empowering actions while disempowering stories will cause them to be unhappy and close down. 

Positive Thinking For Children Tip #2: Your Focus Determines Your Future


From an early age, kids truly experience the power of negative thinking. They can become hysterically upset by their own imaginations. They can thrive or fall apart all based on their own magical fantasies and projections. While it's difficult to convince a three year old who's afraid of the dark that she can disempower her negative thoughts by focusing on  her positive ones, older kids are more open and interested. Teach your kids that a successful person isn't someone who has rid themselves of negative thoughts, rather it's someone who has learned to focus only on their positive thoughts. 

To show your kids the power of their thinking and intentions, it's a great idea to conduct Dr Masaru Emoto's rice experiment so they can see firsthand that what they focus on has real consequences. You can also share with them Dr Emoto's water molecule experiments


Positive Thinking For Children Tip #3: The Law Of Cause And Effect


Many adults don't realize that the power of positive thinking lies in the relationship between thoughts and feelings. So it's not surprising that most kids don't realize this either. A great way to explain to children that their feelings typically stem from their thoughts is to tell them about the Law of Cause And Effect. Knowing that every action will have an equal reaction can give them a deeper way to contemplate their own behavior. And by explaining this in order to understand that feelings are the effect or result of thoughts, they will come to see that positive self talk is the best thing they can do for themselves as it will ultimately lead them to bring forth the best they have inside and share it with the world. 


Thought influences water... An interview with Dr. Emoto

Extracted from ...i would like to share the interview ....

Dr. Masaru Emoto is a Japanese scientist who believes our thoughts influence the molecular structure of water. He is gently and relentlessly, promoting love for water around the world.

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We asked Dr. Emoto a few questions about his fascination with water and what water means for the world.

How did you get started working with water?
In the beginning, I started it with the intention of founding a business. Yet when I published “Messages from Water” six years ago, I was surprised at the response from it and felt that this is going to be revolutionary.

How has the public responded to your lectures/books/teachings?
Everyone is resonating to my books and seminars and is expressing their feelings honestly.

How can we implement the findings of your work into our daily lives?
To honestly hold the feelings of love, gratitude and respect towards water. [To understand] that every phenomenon is created by human consciousness.

Can we abolish evil with prayer and positive thinking?
It is possible; however, it's a numbers game.

How much does negativity affect our surroundings?
It is the basis of all diseases, crime, war and natural disasters.

How can a better connection with water help us in our lives?
The above negative effects can be eradicated.

Do negative thoughts create physical manifestations?
Yes, it can eventually lead to destruction.

What do you wish for the world?
To hold the feeling of love and gratitude always toward water. To send positive and forward thinking vibration at all times and to yearn for beauty.

Order this book on - The Hidden Messages in Water



 The interview with Dr. Emoto was translated by his son, Hiro Emoto. 


Dr.Masaru Emoto ...Water Theory

Who is Masaru Emoto ?

Masaru Emoto was born in Yokohama in July 1943. He is a graduate of the Yokohama Municipal University's department of humanities and sciences with a focus on International Relations. In 1986 he established the IHM Corporation in Tokyo. In October of 1992 he received certification from the Open International University as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine. Subsequently he was introduced to the concept of micro cluster water in the US and Magnetic Resonance Analysis technology. The quest thus began to discover the mystery of water.
He undertook extensive research of water around the planet not so much as a scientific researcher but more from the perspective of an original thinker. At length he realized that it was in the frozen crystal form that water showed us its true nature through. He has gained worldwide acclaim through his groundbreaking research and discovery that water is deeply connected to our individual and collective consciousness
He is the author of the best-selling books Messages from Water, The Hidden Messages in Water, and The True Power of Water. He is a long-time advocate for peace in relation to water. He is currently the head of the I.H.M.General Research Institute and President Emeritus of the International Water for Life Foundation, a Not for Profit Organization.

Interestingly, water responded to foreign words in a similar but not exact manner as it did to Japanese words. Water formed beautiful crystals to all the words expressing gratitude all over the world, such as thank you (English), duoxie (Chinese), merci (French), danke (German), grazie (Italian), and kamusamunida (Korean). 
  Water seems to correctly understand the essence of what it was shown -- in this case, the feeling of gratitude -- and take the information in. Water didn't recognize the word it saw as a simple design; rather it understood the meaning of it. When water realized that the word contained good information, it formed crystals. Perhaps water is also capable of sensing the heart of the person who wrote the word. 

As we were exposing water to lots of words and taking photographs of the resulting crystals, my eyes were glued to one photo, more beautiful than any other water crystal pictures I had seen. I was fascinated by its beauty. 

The crystal was opened up as strongly as if a fully blossoming flower. It was as if the water was stretching its hands fully expressing its joy. The words we had shown the water were, "love and gratitude." 

"We must pay respect to water and feel love and gratitude, and receive vibrations with a positive attitude. Then, water changes, you change, and I change. Because both you and I are water." (From the book cover.)


Want to Learn more about the true Nature of Water?


"The Hidden Messages In Water"

 "Water Knows The Answer"

"The Secret Life Of Water"

Friday, March 11, 2011

What a Beautiful thoughts..